The purpose of Rehabilitation is to integrate the persons with disability, and caring family into the community for improving their quality of life.
School of Rehabilitation trains students in practical knowledge and clinical skills based on scientific grounds, to meet needs of a diversified individual and the society adequately, with the ability to practice and to straighten out the problems independently.
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Educational Goals

In order to achieve the Faculty's educational goals, our mission is to help students acquire, by the time of graduation, the following abilities:
- To cultivate the fundamental knowledge and skills of rehabilitative approach, the ability to understand client deeply, and to create and provide appropriate rehabilitation services.
- With acquisition of knowledge and skills of community based rehabilitation, to cultivate the ability to provide intervention for the maintenance and the improvement of body function, the improvement of quality of life for the independent living from children to elderly.
- To cultivate the constructive manner to continue lifelong learning and research for leading role in the field of rehabilitation in the future.
- In physical therapy major, to cultivate knowledge and skills of the prevention and recovery of physical disabilities and sports disorders due to disease and accidents, the contribution of health promotion, the ability to solve the problem in a wide range of practice.
- In occupational therapy major, to cultivate knowledge and skills to understand human occupation in a scientific manner, to study the relationship between human and occupation to maintain and improve health, to cultivate practical knowledge and skills to facilitate the recovery from physical, psychological and mental disability.